Almonds are a popular snack for us humans. They’re rich in beneficial nutrients, vitamin E, and protein and are touted for their ability to help support heart, gut, and even brain health.
But with all these wonderful qualities, are almonds safe for dogs?
While the odd one or two almonds shouldn’t be cause for concern, they are not recommended as a regular part of a dog’s diet and should be avoided…
Are Almonds Bad For Dogs?
Some nuts are suitable for dogs and can provide ample health benefits and are a great high-value treat, but when it comes to almonds, it’s a different story. These nuts are not toxic, but can bring health risks if ingested by our four-legged friends…
Almonds Are High In Fat
Now, we know healthy fats are essential for a dog’s diet, but too much of a good thing can be harmful. If your pup consumes too many almonds, the high-fat content can lead to weight gain or even pancreatitis, a serious condition that affects a dog’s digestive system.

A Choking Hazard
Raw almonds have an extremely hard and crunchy external shell, which can be a choking hazard for dogs, particularly smaller breeds. If not chewed or chopped up, they can easily get stuck in a dog’s throat, which could lead to choking and/or suffocation.
Almonds Contain Tannins
Along with the high-fat content and choking risk, almonds naturally contain a substance called tannins. Commonly associated with wine, tannins are found in specific plants, along with in the stem, pips and skin of a grape, which can cause digestive upset in dogs, including vomiting and diarrhea.
High Salt Content
Often to make these nuts an even tastier snack for us humans, almonds can be coated in salt, chocolate, or spices. Salt and other seasonings (especially chocolate) can be harmful to your pup, and may lead to dehydration or other health issues if consumed in large quantities.

Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter?
If almonds are not good, does that mean dogs can’t have almond butter, too?
Avoid giving your dog almond butter for the same reasons they shouldn’t eat almonds. In very small amounts, almond butter has fewer risks but this type of nut butter is still very high in fats and dangerous additives. Not to mention xylitol…
Many nut butters contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which is incredibly toxic to dogs. If you find that your dog has eaten almond butter with xylitol in it (or any food with xylitol in it), take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Top Tip: If you want to give your dog nut butter, stick to xylitol-free peanut butter.
Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?
Like almond butter, almond milk can contain xylitol and high levels of fat which can be detrimental to your dog’s health. However, if the almond milk is xylitol-free, you can give your dog a few drops as a tasty treat.
If you’re unsure, it’s best to avoid almond milk completely.
What To Do If Your Dog Eats Almonds
Now, although almonds aren’t strictly toxic to dogs, they’re still considered not safe for your pup. From the added flavorings like salt or chocolate to the high risk of choking, almonds are a no-go!
So, what do you do if you find your dog has eaten almonds?
Well, it can depend on your dog’s size and how much they’ve eaten. If you have a large dog and they have eaten one or two unflavored almonds, you shouldn’t worry too much. Just keep an eye on your pup. However, if they begin choking or vomiting, take them to your vet as soon as possible.
If your dog has devoured a large quantity, or they have eaten almonds with a toxic covering on them (salt, spices, or chocolate), it doesn’t matter how big your dog is, we recommend calling your vet and seeking medical help.
Final Thoughts
To be safe, we recommend not adding almonds to your dog’s diet at all. They’re high in fat, can be a choking hazard, and may cause digestive upset in some dogs.
Remember, your dog depends on you to provide them with the best care possible. By making informed choices about their diet and nutrition, you can help to ensure that your furry friend stays happy and healthy for years to come.
Read more: Can Dogs Eat Dates?
Author Burke, Anna, “Can Dogs Eat Almonds?”, American Kennel Club, July 26, 2022