Do Dogs Say Goodbye Before They Die? 7 End-of-Life Signs

The emotional bond you have with your dog is profound, making the end of a pet’s life an intensely emotional experience. But are there ways your dog is telling you their time is coming to an end? Take a look at 7 end of life signs your dog may be showing you.

9 min read·Updated: Jun 21, 2024
Do Dogs Say Goodbye Before They Die? 7 End-of-Life Signs

Thinking of your dog dying can be unbearable to contemplate. It’s a horrible thought, but it’s something all of us pet parents will go through. With the many questions this sad topic can conjure, many pet owners find themselves questioning, “Do dogs say goodbye before they die?” 

Our dogs can’t talk to us, but there may be ways they tell us goodbye before parting this world. 

And, understanding these dog end-of-life signs can help you provide comfort and make informed decisions during your pet’s final days. 

Let’s explore whether dogs show behaviors that could be interpreted as saying goodbye and identify key end-of-life signs in dogs.

Do Dogs Know When They Are Dying?

The question of whether dogs know they are dying is complex and difficult to answer definitively. Some veterinarians and animal behaviorists believe that dogs may have a sense of their impending death due to changes in their bodies and behavior. However, there is no scientific consensus on this matter.

A woman lying on a couch, gently comforting a brown dog that appears to be resting. The dog looks calm and relaxed, lying on a soft blanket.

Dog Behavior Before Death: 7 End-of-Life Signs

What do dogs do when they are about to die? Dogs exhibit various behavior changes as they approach the end of their lives. These changes can indicate that a dog’s quality of life is declining and they are preparing to pass on.

Take a look at some common signs your pet may be approaching the “rainbow bridge”:

Decreased Appetite and Thirst

One of the most noticeable signs your dog is reaching the end is a loss of interest in food and water. This can be due to discomfort or a lack of energy to eat and drink.


Dogs nearing the end of their life often become extremely lethargic. They may spend most of their time sleeping or lying down and show little interest in activities they once enjoyed. You may even notice altered sleep patterns – sleeping more during the day and becoming restless at night.


There is a common belief that many animals know when their time is coming to an end and will increasingly seek solitude. They might hide or withdraw from family members, seeking quiet, undisturbed places. This may be due to an instinctual behavior passed down from their ancestors, or some pet parents like to believe it is their pet’s way of sparing them the sadness of what is about to happen. 


Some dogs may become restless or agitated, pacing or changing positions frequently as they try to find comfort.

Loss of Interest in Activities

A clear sign that your dog’s health is declining is their lack of interest in toys, walks, and other activities they once enjoyed. Particularly if your dog is in their golden years, walking may become difficult due to stiffening or arthritic joints.

Difficulty Breathing

Labored or irregular breathing can be a sign of your dog’s impending death. 


Loss of bladder or bowel control is another sign that your dog’s health is deteriorating.

These end-of-life signs in dogs indicate a decline in both their physical and mental health, requiring pet owners to provide extra care and attention.

Old dog behavior before death can be slightly different from that in a younger dog, but all the signs above can be relevant.

Seek advice from your veterinarian if you notice any of the above signs – no matter what age your dog is. They will be able to inform you of any supportive care you can offer your dog if these are indeed signs your pet is approaching the end of their life.

Do Dogs Say Goodbye Before They Die?

Dogs cannot verbally communicate a “goodbye,” but many veterinarians and pet owners report behaviors that suggest dogs might be aware of their impending death. These behaviors can be interpreted as a form of saying goodbye.

Common “Goodbye” Behaviors

  • Increased Clinginess: Some dogs become unusually clingy, seeking constant companionship and reassurance from their owners. This behavior can be interpreted as a way of seeking comfort and expressing their bond.
  • Sudden Bursts of Energy: It’s not uncommon for dogs to have a sudden burst of energy before they pass away. This phenomenon, often called the “last bloom” or “rally,” can be confusing and misleading, giving pet owners false hope of recovery.
  • Prolonged Eye Contact: Many pet owners report that their dogs make prolonged eye contact as if trying to communicate something profound. This can be seen as a final connection or farewell.
  • Seeking Solitude: As mentioned above in the signs your dog is dying, some dogs prefer to be alone as they near the end. They may go off to a quiet spot and stay there, a behavior that can be interpreted as a natural instinct to isolate when they are vulnerable.

While these behaviors can provide some comfort to already mournful pet owners, it’s important to remember that every dog is different, and not all dogs will exhibit these signs.

A young woman with braided hair tenderly stroking the face of an elderly black dog outdoors. The dog has a serene expression, and the background is a lush, green garden.

How to Support Your Dog During Their Last Days

Supporting your dog during their final days involves providing comfort, managing pain, and preparing for the inevitable. Here are some ways to help your dog during this difficult time:

Providing Comfort

  • Pain Management: Consult your veterinarian for pain management options. Medications prescribed by your veterinarian can help alleviate discomfort and improve your dog’s quality of life.
  • Comfortable Environment: Create a cozy and quiet space for your dog. Ensure their bedding is soft and easily accessible, and keep their resting area clean and dry.
  • Favorite Treats and Toys: Surround your dog with their favorite treats and toys. While they may not have a big appetite, offering tasty treats can provide comfort.
  • Attention and Affection: Spend quality time with your dog, offering gentle petting and reassurance. Your presence can be incredibly soothing during their final days.

Planning and Preparation

  • Veterinary Consultation: Regular check-ups with your veterinarian can help monitor your dog’s condition and make informed decisions about their care.
  • Euthanasia: If your dog’s quality of life is severely compromised, euthanasia may be the most humane option. Discuss this with your veterinarian to understand the process and what to expect.
  • Aftercare: Plan for your dog’s aftercare, whether it’s cremation, pet burial, or another option. Having a plan in place can help reduce stress during an already emotional time.

Grieving Your Dog’s Death: 5 Ways to Memorialize Your Pet

No matter if you’ve had your dog for a few months or 15 years, losing them can be devastating. One way we can find peace and solace in their passing is by finding ways to grieve and memorialize our dogs. Below are a few ideas and things you can do to help you cope with your pet’s death once they’re gone.

Support Groups

Remember, you’re not alone. Many pet parents have gone through this mourning period. Why not join an online or in-person support group where you can share your feelings and connect with others who have experienced similar losses?

Memorial Services 

Holding a memorial service for your pet can provide closure and allow family and friends to say goodbye. Your dog becomes a member of your family, so a memorial service to celebrate your furry friend’s life can be extremely helpful. 


Create keepsakes such as personalized urns, photo albums, or custom jewelry containing a portion of your pet’s ashes. You can even have prints made of your beloved pet’s nose or paws, either to use as a beautiful piece of art to hang in your home or some people take their dog’s nose print and have it put on a ring. 

Volunteer or Donate

Honor your pet’s memory by donating to or volunteering at an animal shelter or rescue organization in their name.

Share Memories

Talk about your pet with family and friends. Sharing stories and memories can keep their spirit alive and provide comfort for everyone. It may be difficult to talk about your pet or even think about them for some time, but speaking about them can help.

Emotional Support

Grieving the loss of a pet is a personal and unique experience. It’s important to allow yourself time to grieve and seek support if needed. Counseling or therapy can be beneficial for processing your emotions and finding ways to move forward.

Final Thoughts on the Final Goodbye 

The end-of-life stage for dogs is a challenging and emotional time for all pet owners. Understanding the signs indicating that your dog is dying and knowing how to support them can provide comfort during their final days. 

While it’s difficult to determine if dogs know when they are dying or if they say goodbye, their behavior often indicates a change as they approach the end of life. Providing comfort, preparing for the inevitable, and finding ways to memorialize your pet can help you navigate this difficult journey. 

As Dr. Jennifer Rowan, a seasoned veterinarian, stated, “Veterinary medicine is a very unique field in that it is one of the only professions where you have the privilege to see that furry family member from their birth to their death and everything in between. So, supporting pet parents during the loss of their beloved family member through education about the end-of-life process and the offering of sincere empathy is extremely important.”

Cherish the moments you have with your furry friend and know that your care and love make a significant difference in their final days. Our precious companions get 8-10 years with us if we’re lucky. Although they are just a fraction of our lives, you get to spend your whole life with them. It is beautiful to know that every single day with you made your pup the happiest.


Becca TriggB

Becca Trigg

An all round animal lover, who absolutely adores writing and researching anything puppy! Over the past few years, I have been able to gain ample pet knowledge; specifically joint health and dental hygiene. When I'm not typing away in the office, I can be found sitting in a country pub or growing chillies

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