Yes! Dogs can eat strawberries as long as they are fresh, served in small, bitesize chunks, without their stem, in moderated portions, and washed to be sure no pesticides are lurking on their skin.
Strawberries should be considered a treat when it comes to your canine, and therefore shouldn’t make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie allowance.
Cutting up strawberries into smaller pieces for dogs can minimize any choking risk. Alternatively, you could puree or mash the strawberry onto a doggy lick mat for them to enjoy this nutritious berry.
Are Strawberries Good For Dogs?
Strawberries can be considered good for dogs. They are packed with antioxidants which contribute to protecting the body’s cells from free radical damage and help promote the immune system.
A strawberry is also high in vitamin C, fiber, and water is relatively low in calories, and contains malic acid (which can boost the whiteness of teeth).

However, strawberries are a fruit and fruits are typically higher in naturally occurring sugars. So, you should be mindful of feeding too much fruit like strawberries to dogs. If your dog has a condition like diabetes, it’s always worth asking your vet whether you should be allowing them to have a taste of strawberries.
You should avoid feeding your dog canned strawberries or strawberry syrup. Canned strawberries are typically preserved in high sugar syrups and are sometimes sweetened with artificial sweetener (xylitol) which can be toxic for dogs.
Other fresh berries your dog can enjoy and reap benefits from include:
- Cranberries
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
Other fruits your dog can be fed include:
Always monitor your dog for 24 hours after feeding them anything new, even if it’s deemed “safe”. A list of foods that are known to be toxic for dogs to consume can be found below:
Also read: Is Mango Good for My Dog?
“Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?” Purina