There are many fruits and vegetables that dogs can eat, and pineapple is one of them! It’s not only safe for a dog to eat, but it’s also nutrient-rich so pineapple can make a healthy, occasional treat that both you and your dog can enjoy together. Pineapple is packed with antioxidants, vitamins C and B6, bromelain, many minerals, and water (pineapples are 82% water!) so can provide a boost of hydration on particularly hot days for a doggo.
However, despite its nutritional perks, pineapple is also high in sugar so it should only be shared with your pup occasionally. Remember, your dog’s diet should only be made up of 10% treat foods, so pineapple should only be shared with your pet on this understanding. Otherwise, you risk your dog gaining unnecessary weight and potentially experiencing digestive discomfort.

Is It Safe For A Dog To Eat A Pineapple?
Yes, it’s safe for a dog to eat fresh pineapple in small quantities. This is only the soft, inner fruit though. The spiky skin and leaves should not be offered to a dog (just as we don’t eat these parts of the fruit as humans). If your dog has too much pineapple, they may vomit or experience a bout of diarrhea due to the high sugar content and/or the fiber.
Pineapple has a 10% sugar content, so if your dog has diabetes or is overweight/obese, pineapple is not an advisable addition to their diet and you should converse with your vet about what they would suggest sharing with your pup instead.
In addition, it’s advisable to chop up the pineapple into bite-size chunks to reduce the risk of choking when serving it to a dog.
Can Dogs Eat Pineapple Core?
It’s not a good idea to share the core of a pineapple with your dog, as these can cause intestinal blockages and are considered a high-risk choke hazard.
Can Dogs Eat Dried Pineapple?
You shouldn’t share dried pineapple with your dog. This is because dried fruits are removed of water, so the portion becomes smaller in size but the sugar levels remain the same. Excessive sugar, despite the fact it naturally occurs in fruit – is not good for your dog.
Similar rules apply to canned pineapple. Canned pineapple should only be shared with a dog if sugar hasn’t been added to the fruit or syrup it’s contained in. Canned pineapple can also diminish the pineapple’s nutritional value during the canning process so your dog may not reap as many health benefits from canned pineapple.

How Much Pineapple To Give A Dog To Stop Eating Poop?
That’s right – it’s believed that letting your dog nibble on some pineapple will stop them from eating poop in the yard – whether it’s their own or another animal’s.
This habit is called coprophagia which is actually a very common behavior that lots of dogs engage in. Theorized reasons behind a dog eating poop range from boredom, to hunger, to instinct.
Pineapple contains bromelain; an enzyme that’s thought to make poop taste foul to a dog that likes to eat it. But, there is no scientific evidence for this. If your dog likes to eat poop, the best things to do is to make sure there’s no poop for them to eat (so, pick up straight after them and clear your yard of other animal poop), and work on improving their recall responses and behavior in an ethical way using positive reinforcement.
Can My Dog Eat Pineapple?
So, yes, dogs can eat pineapple!
We’d recommend chopping up the pineapple into bitesize chunks and freezing them. Then, on a super hot day when your dog needs some help cooling down, you can serve them a few pieces of frozen pineapple to help rehydrate and refresh them!
Other fruits your dog can enjoy in small quantities include bananas, blueberries, and watermelon. For a list of foods that dogs absolutely should not eat, check out our PetLab Co. list below.
Author Guthrie, Lynn “Can Dogs Eat Pineapple? Yep, Here’s Why!” Prrs & Wags by Pumpkin, Feb 28. 2022
“Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?” Purina