Can Dogs Have Peppermint?

Is peppermint safe for dogs? Learn all about peppermint for dogs and whether dogs can eat peppermints below.

3 min read·Updated: Nov 04, 2024
Can Dogs Have Peppermint?

When it comes to peppermint, it actually depends on the type of peppermint you mean! And even then, the conclusion is arguably unclear…

First things first; the mint plant known as the English pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) is highly toxic to dogs. It grows in most areas of the US and Europe including the UK, apart from in the coldest regions. If your dog eats or ingests the oil of an English pennyroyal plant, they should see a vet immediately.

If you’re thinking about introducing the herb form of peppermint to your pup, a dog can be served peppermint leaves whether they be fresh or dried as they are technically not toxic per se, but not all dogs will react well to it. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea in some canines.

However, peppermint chocolate, peppermint candies (including Christmas candy canes), peppermint cookies, or general breath-freshening style peppermints, should absolutely not be shared with a dog. Chocolate and xylitol – a sweetener often found in candies and other sweet treats – is incredibly toxic for dogs to consume. Xylitol in particular can react quickly with a dog’s body and end up causing a seizure to occur and the liver to fail, and ultimately can result in death.

If you think your dog has eaten chocolate or xylitol, you should contact your vet as a matter of emergency. Do not wait for symptoms of toxicity to occur.

A close-up shot of a vibrate green peppermint plants

Is Peppermint Bad For Dogs?

Fresh and dried peppermint leaves aren’t technically bad for a dog. It’s thought a couple of peppermint leaves here and there may help soothe an occasional upset stomach in a dog, but for many dogs, it can just further upset theirs.

Some believe it can support the state of the gastrointestinal tract and help stimulate appetite. Some swear a peppermint leaf or two can freshen a dog’s bad breath. Peppermint is sometimes thought to help dogs who get car sick too. But ultimately, it depends on your dog and there are plenty of other products on the pet health market that can contribute to helping boost your dog’s digestive health and support their breath with significantly less risk than peppermint leaves can pose. 

If your dog seems to have an ongoing digestive problem or unsolvable bad breath that you’re looking to remedy with peppermint, do check in with your veterinarian as there may be an underlying, unresolved problem.


Author Mayer, Beth Ann “Can I Feed My Dog Peppermint?” Dogster, Dec. 11 2020 ​​

“Can Dogs Have Peppermint?” Be Chewy, Dec 19. 2016

Author Sailer, Cecily “Can My Dog Eat Mint?” Rover

Sarah MiltonS
Written by

Sarah Milton

Comes from a family of animal lovers and got to grow up with a menagerie of pets! I believe owning a pet is a privilege and I love researching and creating informative, fun content for fellow pet owners to help their furry friends have the happiest and healthiest lives. When I’m not writing blogs, you can find me sharing a walk with my pet dachshund or at a yoga class!

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*In Amazon Pet Health Category in 2022
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