Summary: “Is nutmeg bad or safe for dogs?” In this blog, we’ll learn whether dogs can have nutmeg and if it hosts any benefits for our canine friends too…
Can Dogs Have Nutmeg?
Unlike the spice cinnamon which is considered a sort of sister spice to nutmeg, nutmeg isn’t recommended for a dog to consume.
In very large quantities, nutmeg can actually have a psychotropic effect on humans and lead to hallucinations – and the same can happen to a dog. In canines, large quantities of nutmeg can also lead to abdominal pain and seizures too. This is because nutmeg contains myristicin – a naturally occurring compound that acts as an insecticide (so it repels and wards off insects).
If your dog has licked up a little bit of nutmeg from your kitchen floor there shouldn’t be too much to worry about, but it’s best to avoid it altogether and stick to safer, more beneficial spices like moderated amounts of cinnamon or ginger.

If your dog has managed to consume a sizeable amount of nutmeg, they may become disorientated, vomit or develop muscle tremors. If you see any of these signs and suspect your dog has consumed nutmeg, they need to see a vet immediately. Home remedies will not suffice.
Fall and winter are popular times of year to use spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Why not check out these wintery, festive canine-friendly recipes you can spoil your dog with this season?
Further foods that are known to be toxic to dogs can be found in our PetLab Co. Guide below:
Author Reisen, Jan “Can Dogs Eat Nutmeg?” American Kennel Club, Oct. 04 2022