Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

If you’re wondering whether dogs can eat grapes or not, in this blog we learn whether dogs can consume grapes and if so, in what quantity and we’ll also learn why grapes are actually bad for dogs.

3 min read·Updated: Nov 01, 2024
Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

A dog should never, ever eat grapes. Consuming even just one grape, raisin, sultana, or currant (the latter are dried grapes) can have a devastating effect on a dog. Of course, the larger the amount consumed the greater threat grapes can be to a dog, but even one grape can cause a dog discomfort, stress, and pain and even result in total kidney failure, anuria (a lack of urination), or their death. 

The size, age, or overall health of your pooch doesn’t change how severely they’ll respond to ingesting grapes. 

You should always keep grapes out of reach, contained, and hidden away from the prying paws of curious canines.

Can Dogs Eat Grape Flavoured Things?

Under no circumstances should a dog eat a grape-flavored food item either. That includes things like trail mix or grape juice. No amount of grape is considered safe or suitable for a dog to consume. 

Can Dogs Eat Grape Leaves?

Eating grape leaves, stems or vines can also cause intense gastrointestinal upset to a dog. They should not consume any part of a grape plant either

Why Dogs Can’t Eat Grapes

Unfortunately, no one really knows why grapes cause such a toxic reaction in dogs. A mycotoxin (a toxin sometimes produced by fungi, plants, or bacteria that doesn’t contribute to their natural development or growth) is suspected to be involved, but studies have yet to determine the exact issue or dose-response relationship.

a brown wicker basket with a white doily holds a collection of green and red grapes

Symptoms Of Grape Poisoning In Dogs

If you suspect your pooch has gotten hold of a grape, raisin, currant, or sultana, the symptoms of grape toxicity include:

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Refusing food
  • Pale gums
  • Dry nose
  • Dry mouth
  • Heavy panting
  • Labored breathing
  • Whining
  • Abdominal pain (usually indicated by adopting a prayer-like position)
  • Increased thirst
  • Decreased urination
  • Not seeming themselves

The most serious complication of grape ingestion in dogs is sudden renal (kidney) failure, so if you suspect your dog has eaten any amount of grapes, they need to be seen by a qualified, veterinarian immediately. 

Kidney failure can result in a dog’s death and even if treated, damage to the kidneys can drastically affect a dog’s long-term health. So, move quickly if you think your dog has consumed any form of grape or part of a grape plant.

It’s important to remember that these symptoms can also indicate other illnesses, so regardless if they’ve eaten grapes or not, if they exhibit any signs of being unwell, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have them seen by their vet pronto. 

For your reference, here’s a list of other foods that can be extremely toxic to dogs…

a blue and white infographic detailing which foods are known to be toxic to dogs

Why Not Try These Fruit Alternatives?

So, as we’ve established, grapes can be lethal for our pups. However, fruits and other berries can play a great role in your doggy’s diet and help boost their fiber and nutrient intake! Try feeding your dog small raspberries, blueberries, bananas, or cut-up apples (not the core or the pips!) either as treats or add them to their bowl at mealtimes.


Author Gilman, Hannah “Why Dogs Should Never, Ever Eat Grapes” Rover

Author Gwaltney-Brant, Sharon M. DVM, PhD, DABVT, DABT “Raisin And Grape Toxicosis In Dogs”, MSD Manual, Veterinary Manual Jun. 2021

Sarah MiltonS
Written by

Sarah Milton

Comes from a family of animal lovers and got to grow up with a menagerie of pets! I believe owning a pet is a privilege and I love researching and creating informative, fun content for fellow pet owners to help their furry friends have the happiest and healthiest lives. When I’m not writing blogs, you can find me sharing a walk with my pet dachshund or at a yoga class!

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*In Amazon Pet Health Category in 2022
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