As a puppy parent, you know how overwhelming it can be trying to give your dog the best gut health support possible.
Our pups can, unfortunately, experience many of the same gut and digestive ailments that we humans do – which can make it all the worse when you know how your pup can be feeling, especially if you know it’s painful, uncomfortable, and stressful.
Here at PetLab Co., we always want to make sure that we’re giving all you doggy lovers out there as much knowledge as possible to help keep your pooch healthy and strong, which is why we wanted to tell you all about the amazing plant that is the KEY to offering health-promoting properties to your dog’s gut and overall health… Chicory root!
What Is Chicory Root?
Cichorium intybus, or Chicory, is a beautiful plant with bright blue petals that belongs to the dandelion family. Naturally found in Europe, it was introduced to the US in the 19th century.
Often ground or roasted, it has been used in tea for human consumption for years, but there is more to this natural powerhouse than just a tasty drink!
Take a look at a few health benefits chicory root can give to your pet’s gut, digestive, and overall health…
1. Chicory Root Is Packed With Inulin

This wonder plant naturally contains some impressive properties, one of which is its volume of prebiotic fiber inulin – when fresh, the root is composed of nearly 70% inulin!
What is this inulin I might hear you say and why is it so important? Well, it is a type of fructan fiber or fructooligosaccharide (FOS), a natural sugar carbohydrate made from fructose molecules that your pup’s body doesn’t digest.
Inulin can act as a prebiotic (‘food’ for microbes living in the stomach), feeding and supporting the good bacteria found in your furry friend’s gut. Your dog’s gut needs good bacteria to help balance it. Plus, they’re needed to help absorb minerals and key nutrients such as calcium and magnesium into your dog’s body.
PetLab Co.’s In-House Pet Consultant Nicole’s Inside Knowledge!
“Fiber-containing prebiotic ingredients can greatly augment the effectiveness of probiotics by acting as a source of food for the beneficial bacteria. Intestinal bacteria can ferment these soluble fibers into short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). This produces butyrate, acetate, and propionate, which provide energy to epithelial cells in the colon and provide overall support. SCFAs can also support a healthy immune system as well as a healthy brain.”
2. Chicory Root Can Help Bowel Movements
As said above, the root of the Chicory plant contains large amounts of inulin fiber, which, when ingested, can pass through the body undigested, feeding bacteria within the gut to support healthy digestion – and healthy digestion means good, strong natural defenses for your pooch.
3. Chicory Root Contains Antioxidants
Along with the many minerals, vitamins, and inulin fiber, chicory root produces and holds a multitude of antioxidants – including the ones commonly known to support a normal inflammatory response.
Plus, in a recent study conducted by animal researchers, the antioxidants found in the chicory root were seen to support liver health and function – which is an incredible find. The liver acts as the primary detoxifying organ, which means wonders for your pup’s overall health. With the liver and gut in full health, you can give your pooch the tools needed to stay in tip-top shape.
4. Chicory Root Could Act As A Natural Probiotic

Once we found out the incredible qualities of these marvelous blue plants, we knew we needed to make it known that we should be getting these benefits into our pups. As these special roots are used for both humans and canines, you can quite easily get your hands on them for a nice brew or hot cup of joe – but this won’t be very helpful when it comes to your furry friend, so look for a probiotic supplement made by a reputable pet brand that contains chicory root!
Why not add your chosen probiotic chews to their daily routine? Either way, this may give you the confidence that you’re providing your pup with this wonder root without having to dramatically change their routine or daily habits– it’s the perfect solution!
Author El-Sayed, Yasser S and Lebda, Mohamed A and Hassinin, Mohammed and Neoman, Saad A “Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) root extract regulates the oxidative status and antioxidant gene transcripts in CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity” US National Library Of Medicine, Mar 25. 2015