Potatoes – a staple in most of our diets and the key ingredient for some of our favorite vices, from french fries to gratin dauphinoise! They’re nutrient-rich too; a good source of vitamin C, B6, magnesium, calcium, and iron. But, can our dogs safely join in on our love for potatoes too…?
Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?
If you’re wondering “can dogs have potatoes?” the short answer is yes, but you’ll want to read on for the long answer as preparation is key when it comes to feeding potatoes safely to your dog!
However, before we continue it’s worth noting that diabetic dogs should avoid potatoes completely, as potatoes can cause spikes in blood sugar levels which isn’t desirable when managing a condition like diabetes…
Potatoes are also high in carbohydrates which can be problematic for obese dogs, so if your dog needs to shift some weight, potatoes are also worth avoiding. Dogs’ bodies are designed to get most of their nutrients from animal protein, so if you decide to feed your pet cooked potatoes be mindful of this when it comes to the amount they’re being fed.
Can Dogs Eat Raw Potatoes?
No, dogs cannot eat raw potatoes. Potatoes include a substance called solanine (as do tomatoes and eggplants which also belong to the nightshade family with potatoes). Solanine is a toxic compound for dogs. However, the solanine levels are significantly reduced when a potato is cooked, boiled, or baked.

Should I Season Potatoes For My Dog?
No. Potato seasoning like butter or milk in mashed potato, cheese, salt, pepper, or things like peri-peri seasoning, is not advised when giving cooked potatoes to a dog. High levels of salt can cause dehydration in a dog and you should absolutely avoid adding things like garlic and onions to potatoes too, as both garlic and onion (including powder and granule forms) are incredibly poisonous to dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Potato Skins?
Dogs can eat potato skins if cooked, but only in very small, unseasoned quantities. Potato skins contain oxalates and if too many of these are ingested by a dog, can eventually cause kidney problems, but the odd one or two should be just fine as long as they’re cooked and unseasoned.

Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Sweet potatoes are a much better option when considering feeding potatoes to your dog. Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, low in fat, and nutrient-dense. As long as they are cooked, unseasoned and their skin is removed (a sweet potato’s skin can be quite tough to digest for dogs), a dog can enjoy sweet potato a touch more liberally than regular potatoes – but, always in moderation.
Always take it slowly when introducing any new food to your dog to avoid upsetting their stomach – particularly with puppies. Feed a very small amount of cooked, unseasoned potato per day before considering continuing to feed low quantities of potato to your dog. As with humans, all dogs will react differently to different foods so always be mindful of this when trying them on new foods, snacks, and treats regardless of whether they’re deemed safe.
Potato Plant Leaves
If you grow potatoes yourself, and own a dog, it’s worth noting that potato plant leaves are very toxic for dogs to consume so be mindful of this if you grow your own vegetables and potato plants are in your stock.
If you’re wondering what other foods you shouldn’t give to your dog, check out our PetLab Co. guide below which lists all foods that are known to be toxic to dogs so you know which foods to avoid allowing your dog to eat:
“Can Dogs Eat Potatoes?” Animal Care Clinic, Jan 04. 2021 https://www.animalcareclinicjc.com/news/2021/1/4/can-dogs-eat-potatoes
Author Anastasio, Alexandra “Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?” American Kennel Club, Nov 17. 2021 https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-sweet-potatoes/#:~:text=When%20feeding%20your%20dog%20a,and%20potentially%20cause%20intestinal%20blockage.
Author Walther, Richard DVM “Can Dogs Eat Potatoes? Here’s Everything You Need To Know” Pawlicy https://www.pawlicy.com/blog/can-dogs-eat-potatoes/