Summary: “Is sage safe for dogs?” In this blog, we’ll learn whether sage is bad, toxic, or good for dogs and whether you can burn sage safely around a dog…
Did you know that the herb sage is a member of the mint family!? Sage is a popular, aromatic herb that is used to season food – particularly food served around the holidays – but is sage safe for dogs to have?
Can Dogs Eat Sage?
Sage – in controlled quantities – is safe for dogs to eat. The herb itself, as well as the plant, are not toxic to a canine. It’s also arguably beneficial to share with your dog!
Sage is touted to have anti-inflammatory properties, so it may help to reduce joint or muscular discomfort. It may also be useful in aiding and promoting the natural immune response while in turn helping with managing seasonal allergies.
This herb is also known to have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which can help destroy organisms that might threaten infection or fungal growth, while also helping reduce the oral bacteria that can cause stinky dog breath!
Sage is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins A, E, K, and trace minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc which are all beneficial to your dog’s overall health too.

Sage And Dogs
It’s important you only serve controlled amounts of sage to your dog. Too much may cause gastrointestinal distress – but this goes for most “safe” human foods too!
Simply chop fresh sage leaves or sprinkle a pinch of dried leaves over your dog’s main meal. If your dog is small, ¼ of a teaspoon is plenty and for larger dog breeds up to 1 tbsp is more than enough.
Remember, sage is very pungent and because our dog’s sense of smell is so much more sensitive than ours, too much of the scent may actually put them off their food!
Is Burning Sage Safe For Dogs?
If you like to “smudge” your home with sage, it may be best to keep your furry friend out of the way while you conduct this. This is because smoke of any kind is generally uncomfortable for a dog. It can irritate their lungs and because their sense of smell is up to 10,000 times stronger than ours; burning sage and being around the consequential smoke can be a very intense experience for them.
When sharing the benefits of sage with your dog, it’s best to stick to feeding them it.
Author M. Sable “Is Burning Sage Safe For Dogs?” Healthy Homemade Dog Treats
“Is Sage Safe For Dogs? How To Feed Sage To Dogs Safely” MasterClass, May 12. 2022