Summary: “Can dogs have pickles?” In this blog, we’ll learn whether pickles are safe, bad, or good for dogs and whether dogs can have dill pickles too…
Pickles are preserved cucumbers. Now, we know that dogs can benefit from eating cut-up pieces of cucumber… But does that mean pickles are also safe for dogs to consume?
Can Dogs Eat Pickles?
While pickles aren’t necessarily toxic to dogs, veterinarians don’t tend to recommend feeding them to our canine friends. Pickles are high in sodium, which isn’t great for any dog and are usually stored in salt-water brines flavored with spices and vinegar – these can be incredibly problematic for a dog.
Are Pickles Bad For Dogs?
The spices in the brine water are what can cause an issue for your dog. The brine can include garlic, onion, sugar, chilies, and other hot spices which can all make your dog very unwell, particularly garlic and onion which are known to be toxic to a dog.
These salt-water brines are also very high in salt which can lead to dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea and difficulty balancing in dogs.

Can Dogs Have Dill Pickles?
Although dill itself isn’t considered toxic to dogs, dill pickles are still made by preserving and fermenting in brine along with dill. So, no your dog should not have any pickles, including dill pickles.
If your dog does get hold of a pickle or two, make sure they have access to clean, fresh water as the pickle will most likely make them very thirsty. Then, watch your dog for any signs of digestive discomfort or unrest.
If you know what seasonings are in the brine of the pickle your dog managed to get a hold of and if you know any of the ingredients are toxic to dogs, you may want to contact your vet before any signs start to show.
You should call your vet if your dog is a puppy or a toy/teacup breed regardless if any digestive distress is on display or not.
Author Anastasio, Alexandra “Can Dogs Eat Pickles?” American Kennel Club, Sept 01. 2022
Author Dr Miller, Andrew MRCVS “Can Dogs Eat Gherkins?” Pure Pet Food