How To Calm Dogs From Fireworks This New Year’s Eve

“My dog is scared of fireworks!” – Fear not, pet parent. This blog provides some tips and tricks to help you help your pup during the NYE festivities. If your dog is scared of fireworks, read on…

4 min read·Updated: Dec 30, 2024
How To Calm Dogs From Fireworks This New Year’s Eve

The year has once again flown by, and before we know it, New Year’s Eve will be upon us!

As you plan your New Year’s Eve celebrations, it’s worth considering your pets in your plans too as the loud noises and festivities can induce a lot of stress and panic for some of our four-legged friends. What can be a fantastic party for us humans, is very scary and overwhelming for our dogs!

Similar to the Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve is alive with loud noises, fireworks, and potentially lots of new people – all of which can induce intense worry in our pets. To help them stay calm, and avoid any unusual behavior, here are a few tips:

Wear Them Out

By making sure your dog has had plenty of exercise during the day, you can ensure they are tired enough to sleep through most of the loud fireworks and busy parties. If a dog has less energy, he’ll be less likely to panic. Exercise also releases endorphins in your pets to keep them feeling content and happy.

Give Them A Space

One of the best ways to keep your dogs calm during big celebrations is to limit their space to a confined area. If dogs are crate trained, this provides a sense of security for them, and gives them a place to hide and relax. If they are not crate trained, just pop them into a room where they cannot hurt themselves or damage anything, that’s far away from the noise and commotion.

a pug looks anxious sat in front a red and blue checkered arm chair that holds a large brown teddy bear

Turn On The TV

If your dog is scared of fireworks, having the TV or radio on will not only help muffle the sound of fireworks, but also keep your pup distracted. Soothing music will help the most, but any TV show or channel will be useful! Turn it on a few hours before the festivities begin so that your pet can associate the noise of the TV with peace and comfort.

Use Natural Calming Aids

Similarly to how we can take Rescue Remedy, or Chamomile Tea to calm our nerves, there are some natural calming aids available for dogs that work wonders for a dog afraid of fireworks. Many vets recommend plug-in scent diffusers, but these can have a tendency to make your dog drowsy and unwell, so look to a reputable brand that offer natural, ingestible calming aids in a chew/treat variety!

Keep Calm Yourself

Dogs can pick up on our moods and feelings, so keeping calm yourself is super important if you want your pup to stay relaxed. Speak in soothing tones, don’t jump or make sudden movements, and try not to over-excite your dog during the festivities. Pet them lots, and treat them whenever they seem unfazed by loud noises.

Take Them Somewhere Quiet

If you aren’t one for big parties, but your neighborhood is, it may be best to take a little road-trip to somewhere quiet and peaceful for your pup. Avoiding the close proximity of fireworks will be the best way to prevent anxiety or outbursts of panic if they’re scared of them.

a golden Labrador puppy snoozes in a brown dog bed with a toy lion

Distract Them With New Toys or Treats

By giving your pet something fun to do, you can occupy their attention away from any impending anxiety! New toys, tasty treats, or fun games are the ideal way to divert their attention – a chew toy covered in peanut butter is the ultimate distraction!

Our final thoughts on how to calm dogs from fireworks this NYE…

New Year’s Eve can be enjoyable for every member of your family, including your pooch. By planning ahead, you can be sure you’re doing the best for your pet so you can celebrate worry and guilt-free.

Happy New Year to all our PetLab Co. Customers!

Sarah MiltonS
Written by

Sarah Milton

Comes from a family of animal lovers and got to grow up with a menagerie of pets! I believe owning a pet is a privilege and I love researching and creating informative, fun content for fellow pet owners to help their furry friends have the happiest and healthiest lives. When I’m not writing blogs, you can find me sharing a walk with my pet dachshund or at a yoga class!

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