Dog Farts Smell Bad? Here’s How To Help

“Why do my dog’s farts smell so bad?” Fear not, pet parent! In this blog, we explore why dogs can sometimes get excess gas, and learn the reasons why dog farts smell that bad…

Dec 02, 2023·9 min read
Dog Farts Smell Bad? Here’s How To Help

If you were ever wondering, “Do dogs fart?”, the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Every puppy parent has smelt the odd dog fart – it comes with owning a dog, right? Just like us humans, gas can come in all shapes and sizes; some are silent, some are loud, and some smell so bad you have to leave the room in a hurry! And then there are the ones that disappear as quickly as they appeared – the phantom fart…

Passing gas is just a part of your dog’s life, with no way of completely stopping them from happening. However, before you resign yourself to a life of endless unbearable farts, there are ways you can help reduce their horrible smell and frequency.

And, just like us, a lot of it comes down to gut health and diet!

When your dog is regularly passing smelly wind, it could be a sign that something is wrong. But, how do you know when there is something to worry about? Here at the PetLab Co., we have looked into what causes those pungent poofs and a few ways you can help reduce those hard-hitting, stinky toots!

Pretty much the same as us humans, your dog will fart from time to time. This is caused by gas building inside the stomach or intestine. When released from the anus, this bubble of gas can make a sound or let off an unpleasant smell.

And, unsurprisingly, some dogs will be more flatulent than others. Why? Well, it all boils down to their breed, habits, diet, and even their food/seasonal allergies.

Take a look at some of the reasons your pup may pass wind more than others…and when to know if it could be a more serious issue.

Why Do My Dog’s Farts Smell So Bad?

Their Breed

A bulldog stands on grass in leaves next to a small basketball dog toy

Although it may sound a bit strange, the volume and consistency of farts can all come down to their breed. Brachycephalic dog breeds, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, Boxers, and Boston Terriers (dogs with short/flat snouts) normally suffer from wind more so than others. This is due to the shape of their skull. You see, when brachycephalic dogs eat and drink, they tend to take in more air, resulting in a build-up of gas in the intestines or stomach.

Bad Habits

We can all hold our hands up and admit to being guilty of falling into a few bad habits when it comes to our furry friends. Sometimes, all it takes is looking into a pair of puppy dog eyes during supper and the rest is history.

Unfortunately, not all ‘human’ food is good for our pooches. Lots of our food is high in fats or has been made with spices – all that can cause havoc in your dog’s stomach and cause a smelly fart or two! The best thing to do it to limit table scraps as much as possible. The odd nibble is completely okay, but too much could be the answer to those smelly puppy farts!

Food/Seasonal Allergies

When it comes to food/seasonal allergies, they can affect your pup internally and externally. If they deal with an environmental intolerance; pollen, dust, or perfumes, you will notice your dog scratching and itching – but what happens when the allergy is internal?

Having an allergic reaction to something they have eaten can result in very smelly and offensive farts. Dairy is one of the biggest causes of digestion issues in dogs; loose stools, indigestion, cramps, and wind.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to discover the exact cause of your pup’s dietary intolerance. Your vet should be able to help you work out a plan to find out what foods don’t agree with your pup, if this is something you suspect…

Being Greedy

A reddish, brown dog eats donut held out by a white hand whilst wearing a colorful scarf

Dinner time is normally one of your pet’s favorite times of the day – well, that and “walkies!” When they see their food bowl coming, many dogs can’t help but want to bury their mouths into their delicious dinner… One minute the food is there, the next, it’s gone.

Eating quickly could be the reason your pup is suffering from wind. As said above, brachycephalic dog breeds take in too much air when they eat and drink, so when your pup gobbles up their dinner too quickly, they can experience a similar effect.

How to get around this problem? If your pup is a very fast eater, try them with a slow-release feeding bowl, available from most pet stores. This will portion out how much food they get at one time and allow their stomach time to digest at a slower rate.

A Diet Change

A simple change in your dog’s diet could be the reason they’re producing terrible farts. Although it is encouraged to change their diet if they’re suffering from bad gas, this change could be another contributor. If this diet change is sudden, your pup’s body will take a while to adjust, which could result in wind. The best thing to do is to slowly introduce new food into your pup’s diet.

PetLab Co. Pro TipIf you have decided to change your pet’s diet for a specific reason, start by slowly adding the new food to their current diet. This will allow your pup’s digestive system to acclimatize to the new food and reduce any problems.

Poor Quality Food

It can be hard to know if you’re giving your pup the best food for them. There are countless brands and options, so much so that deciding the perfect diet for your pooch can be seriously overwhelming.

Many dog food brands on the market are packed with unnecessary fillers that cause havoc on your pooch’s digestive system. A lot are extremely carbohydrate dominant, using corn, soy, or wheat to bulk up the food – which your pup could be sensitive to.

Dog Farts Smell Bad? Here’s How To Help

There is no way to stop wind completely, but there are ways we can reduce the frequency and severity. Plus, once you know what is causing the bad gas, you can take action and support your pup’s health – and your sense of smell – accordingly.

Better Their Diet

Changing your pup’s diet can help reduce those smelly farts. Of course, a sudden change of diet can cause an upset tummy, but if you start to introduce better quality food into their diet slowly, it will benefit them hugely in the future. You’ve got to play the long game when it comes to your dog’s tummy health.

Trying to find the perfect, healthy food for your pooch can be hard. Our advice is to focus on the ingredients, rather than choosing food based on their brand. Lots of top pet food brands are packed with unnecessary, harmful additives that can upset your pup’s tummy and give them little to no nutritional benefits.

Every dog is different, and the cause of their gas will also be unique to your pup. If you change their food to a higher quality option and you’re still experiencing terrible wind, then you will know that the cause of the flatulence might not be from their new diet.

If you suspect your dog might be allergic to food, always discuss your concerns with your vet. You could consider switching to hypoallergenic diet formulations that are on the market which contain hydrolyzed proteins, meaning that the ‘reactive’ proteins are already broken down into molecules that the immune system will not recognize as allergens.

If you decide to try a specialized hypoallergenic dog food, it should be fed for a minimum of 8-12 weeks to assess your pooch’s response. It is important to feed them only the hypoallergenic dog food during this period, avoiding all other foods, treats, table scraps, and medicine whilst introducing the new specially formulated food.

Use Supplements

Sometimes a small change like adding a tasty, dog-specific multivitamin or a probiotic supplement to your pet’s daily routine could be the answer to targeting their stinky farts. Overall health is key, so keeping on top of their digestive and immune system health can positively affect their health and wellbeing – including their frequency of gas.


Two mixed-breed dogs, one golden and one red, run together side by side

When a dog is more active, their flatulence will be less frequent than a lazy pup. If you have a pooch that loves to sleep and lay around all day, it is time to change this bad behavior.

Make sure you’re taking them for a bread-appropriate length walk daily. Not only will this help with any gas issues, but the regular exercise will help support your pooch’s overall health – an all-round winner.

Check In With The Vet

Dog farts smell bad? Talking to your vet could be the best way to reduce your pet’s gas. All the options above can help you discover the cause on your own, but if you try them and still notice your dog producing frequent, smelly farts, seeking your vet is key.

Inflammation of the bowel, pancreatic disease, and gastrointestinal disease are all serious conditions that could be the root of your pup’s wind issues. Many of these illnesses come with other symptoms though; vomiting, abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. If you discover any of these along with smelly farts, there could be a more sinister problem. 

Dog Farts Smell Bad

Let’s face it, gas is just a natural part of life and a regular occurrence when you’re a puppy parent. The only time you need to worry is if these farts become an extremely regular and daily occurrence. None of us want our dogs to be unhealthy, so finding the root of the problem as soon as possible is ideal. After all, our job is to make sure our pets are healthy, happy, and enjoying their life with us by their side – with as little bad smells as possible.

Becca TriggB

Becca Trigg

An all round animal lover, who absolutely adores writing and researching anything puppy! Over the past few years, I have been able to gain ample pet knowledge; specifically joint health and dental hygiene. When I'm not typing away in the office, I can be found sitting in a country pub or growing chillies

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The information contained within this site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical or veterinary advice. PetLab Co. is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If your pet has, or you suspect your pet has any medical condition, you are urged to consult your veterinarian. Medical conditions can only be diagnosed by a licensed veterinarian. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results May Vary. Not intended for human consumption. Please consult your veterinarian regarding any change in treatment or supplementation.
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