Summary: Super seeds are a big thing in healthy human diets, but did you know that some seeds can benefit a dog’s health too? Here’s how flaxseed, hemp, and sesame seeds can be great for dogs…
Super seeds have taken over in recent years as popular human food toppers to give your breakfast or salad a nutrient-rich boost! And these following seeds that you may have had on your last light lunch, may also be suitable to share with your furry friend…

Sesame Seeds for Dogs
Sesame seeds are dense with vitamins, calcium, fiber, magnesium, and iron and are considered safe for most dogs to eat. They’re also touted to aid regular digestion, help with minimizing joint discomfort and promote the strength of the body’s bones.
However, sesame seeds are quite high in calories, so, it’s important you only feed your pup moderated amounts. Simply sprinkle up to a teaspoon’s worth of sesame seeds on top of their main meal (the smaller the dog, the smaller the amount) and let your dog reap the sesame seed benefits!

Flax Seeds for Dogs
Flaxseeds are high in omega oils 3, 6, and 9 (more so in 3), fiber and lignans. Flaxseeds are thought to benefit a dog by helping promote kidney and cardiovascular health, boosting skin and coat condition and flaxseeds can help optimize blood pressure. Flaxseeds also play host to anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to its high fiber content, be sure not to overfeed your dog flaxseeds as this may result in loose stools and digestive discomfort.
Simply sprinkle a small amount of ground, processed flaxseeds over their main meal and let your dog enjoy their potential health perks.

Hemp Seeds for Dogs
Hemp seeds can provide a wealth of benefits for a dog too. Rich in omegas 3 and 6, iron, magnesium, calcium, amino acids and zinc, hemp seeds are touted to promote the condition of a dog’s fur and skin, aid in reducing inflammation and can help boost the heart’s health as well as the immune system’s functioning.
Simply add one tablespoon per day (half a tablespoon for puppies and very small breeds) to their main meal. If they’re not keen on the seeds, an appropriate amount of hemp oil (for the age, size and sensitivity of your dog’s breed) mixed into their food can make a great alternative option.
“6 Super Seeds Your Dog Will Love” Toro’s Choice, Jun 14. 2022